files = dir('E:\myfolder\*txt');
This command will read all files with extension txt
c_files = struct2cell(files);
The files will be saved as structure array. It can't be used for further use. So we are converting it into cell.
filenames=c_files(1,:)';This command will make all filenames in a column.
L = length(filenames);
This code will store the total number of files into the variable L.
Now you can open each files in a folder using a for loop. The filename (eg: myfile.txt) will be stored in the with complete directory link (eg:- E:\myfolder\myfile.txt) will be stored in the variable filename. you can open it using fopen function as shown below.
for g = 1:L;
A = 'E:\myfolder\';B = filenames{g};filename = strcat([A,B]);
fid = fopen(filename,'r');
Full code:-
files = dir('E:\myfolder\*txt');
c_files = struct2cell(files);filenames=c_files(1,:)';
L = length(filenames);
for g = 1:L;
A = 'E:\myfolder\';
B = filenames{g};
filename = strcat([A,B]);
fid = fopen(filename,'r');
Keyword: Mutliple files, matlab, opening, more than one file, in a folder, MATLAB, how to
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